Domain Service and Web Design
All domains are available with fast transfer and BIN prices on Dynadot, Afternic, Sedo, Epik, Dan or GoDaddy.
Customized web designs for your company, business or brand in English, German and Chinese is available for every domain. You’ll find web design samples and pricing below. For requests and quotes use the contact form, we’ll get in touch with you as fast as possible.
Available Domains
Brandables | 3L | 4L | 5L | 6L
AR | VR | MR | XR | Metaverse
CBDC | EEuro | EUSD | EMoney
Available domains will regularly be updated and expanded. Brands
Web Design Sample Pages

A few web design samples to give you an idea what is possible! Everything is fully customizable and can be adjusted to your personal needs and ideas!
Other examples:
Learning environments
Intranet environments
E-Commerce environments
Product portfolios
Personal portfolio
Information display
Blogs and magazines
The Website
A website starts with an idea
is attached to a design
and has certain functionalities.
What is a Plugin?
The incredible versatility of WordPress comes from the plethora of available plugins. In essence, a WordPress website connects ideas with different plugins to create certain functionalities. An easy to use, modern and crisp design is the foundation for the plugins to work.
Every plugin has it’s very special use case. The art of WordPress development lies in the combination of a perfect plugin with smart design choices to achieve a smooth user experience in front and backend.

Web Design
A project contract will contain an estimated fixed price with all rates for additional charges, time estimates and return policies. The contract needs to be signed together with an 50% up-front payment of the fixed price before we start the project.
The other 50% needs to be paid after project completion and hand over of the website to the customer.
Blog or Personal Website-
up to 3 pages + landing page
no additional plugins
no customized pages
Portfolio, Resume, Networking-
up to 5 pages + landing page
customized plugins
customized pages
Brochure, Information, News-
up to 8 pages + landing page
customized plugins
customized pages
Security and Speed Optimization
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Included in all packages
Amazon AWS EC2 deployment
Linux distribution with WordPress 5.6 Installation
Amazon AWS Route 53 Domain Registration
Free SSL/TLS via Let's Encrypt
Support Service
Websites are not static constructions, they need constant updates in front and backend as well as maintenance regarding security, firewall and server instances. I strongly encourage all clients to subscribe to a monthly support plan for their website.
Suitable for Personal / Professional Websites-
Keep WordPress and Plugins updated
Maintain daily / weekly backups
Maintain firewall / security
Monthly website health check analysis
Short monthly security report
Suitable for Business-
Keep WordPress and Plugins updated
Maintain daily / weekly backups
Maintain firewall / security
Monthly website health check analysis
Monthly traffic and security report
Additional support for small plugin / pages changes